Moving Point of Success to a New Computer
You need to get the software and the data on the other computer.
- Exit all Point of Success programs on the original computer
- On the original computer, go to Start > My Computer > Local Disk C: > Point of Success. Copy both the Data and System data folders with their contents to removable media like a flash drive.
- Copy the Data and System Data folders into the C:\Point of Success folder that you create on the new computer.
- Turn off or disconnect the old computer from the network. Only one database server can be used on the network at any one time.
- Install Point of Success on the new computer. A database conversion will be done automatically if necessary.
You will need to re-register Point of Success on this new computer because the registration uses a unique computer ID code. If you try to use a registration code from the other computer you may be locked out of Point of Success until it can be registered on the new computer.