Set up credit card processing in POSOO RTO - Point of Success Set up credit card processing in POSOO RTO - Point of Success

Set up credit card processing in POSOO RTO

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Below are step on how to generate the API Login ID and Transaction Key.  You put the API Login ID in cc username, and the transaction key in cc password and set cc api to

To obtain the API Login ID and Transaction Key:

  1. Log into the Merchant Interface.
  2. Click Account from the main toolbar.
  3. Click Settings in the main left-side menu.
  4. Click API Credentials & Keys.
  5. Select New Transaction Key.
  6. Note: When obtaining a new Transaction Key, you may choose to disable the old Transaction Key by clicking the box titled, Disable Old Transaction Key Immediately. You may want to do this if you suspect your previous Transaction Key is being used fraudulently.
  7. Click Submit to continue.
  8. Request and enter PIN for verification.
  9. Your new Transaction Key is displayed.

If the Disable Old Transaction Key Immediately box is not checked, the old Transaction Key will automatically expire in 24 hours. When the box is checked, the Transaction Key expires immediately.

Be sure to store the Transaction Key in a very safe place. Do not share it with anyone, as it is used to protect your transactions.

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