Errors 11276, 11282 and 11283 - Point of Success Errors 11276, 11282 and 11283 - Point of Success

Errors 11276, 11282 and 11283

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These errors are normally the result of a corrupted server configuration file on the database host (server) computer. Follow these steps to correct the error:

  1. Exit all Point of Success programs on all computers
  2. Stop the database server service – Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. Find Arsenal Database Server in the services list and stop the service.
  3. Go to Start > My Computer > Local Disk C: > Program Files > ADBServer and delete the dbserver.scf and files
  4. Reinstall Point of Success (only the core software needs to be reinstalled because the only reason for the reinstallation is to replace the damaged server configuration file)

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